Here are the FAQs, and our expert answers about training to become a California Designated Representative.

California Designated Representative FAQs
What is a California Designated Representative?
A California Designated Representative is an individual who performs clerical, inventory control, housekeeping, delivery, maintenance, or similar functions related to the distribution or dispensing of dangerous drugs or dangerous devices.
What are the training requirements from the California Board of Pharmacy?
The “Training Affidavit” form specifies the training requirements. There are three different training affidavit forms for the three (3) license application types (wholesaler, 3PL, reverse distributor). Make sure to follow the details for the specific license you are applying for.
Where do I get the California state application forms?
You may download the applications and forms from the California State Board of Pharmacy at this link.
The Course
What is covered in the course?
Our individual courses cover all topics required on the specific California Designated Representative license application form. For this, all our courses are Board-approved!
How much do the courses cost?
The California Designated Representative Wholesaler course is $525 per student and California Designated Representative 3PL costs $525 per student. California Designated Representative Reverse Distributor is $625 per student.
I have been told that I need to complete refresher training. How can you help me?
We offer refresher training at a discount to prior students of record only. These students who have already taken our initial training may take our refresher class for only $150. We pass along a discount for your loyalty. Thanks for coming back! Please contact us for a registration code.
Taking the Course
Do I have to complete this class all at one time?
No. You may come and go as often as you like. Our course is flexible for your convenience. The presentations are pre-recorded and usually remember where you left off. There are check marks to show you which sections you have viewed.
How do I know when I have finished?
When you have completed all of the quizzes with an 85% or higher, you have completed the course and may request training documentation.
What if I don’t pass a quiz?
If you score less than an 85% on the quiz, review the sections that you didn’t understand and retake the quiz as soon as your are ready.
Do I have to finish in a specific amount of time?
No. You may take all the time you need to complete this class. Start and stop as needed. You don’t have to rush to finish this course. Feel free to watch these on any device, even while you are at an event for your kids or from the couch. Most people complete this class within a day.
How long does this class take?
Students finish in about 4 to 8 hours, but it depends on the student’s retention of the subject matter, previous knowledge on the subject, and how fast the quizzes are taken.
Is there a handout?
Yes, there are links for the handouts of each unit in the online classroom. The handouts can be printed for your reference or read on an iPad/tablet.
What if I have questions about content?
Please call our office if something does not make sense or you need clarification. We are happy to spend the time helping you resolve any confusing issues. Contact us by phone or email.
Where is the class held?
Our class is offered online. There is no need to travel. You can take the class anywhere you have internet access. You may use any computer, phone or tablet that can access the internet. This saves you time, effort, and money!
What technology do I need to view these programs?
Any device running Windows, iOS, or Android, and speakers or headset. This includes phones and tablets.
What if I have trouble with the technology?
We have a self-help technical support site for 24/7 support issues. You can reach out to us by email or phone. Contact us! We are happy to help! You can always call our office at 415-948-5220.
Your Training Affidavit
How do I get the “Training Affidavit” that I need to have SkillsPlus International Inc. sign as a part of my application?
After passing all quizzes with an 85% or higher, submit your request for training documentation using the documentation request link located in the last course topic. That request tells us to process your documentation and mail your training affidavit.
How is the Training Affidavit sent?
We send out training affidavits weekly on Monday by FedEx Express Saver, and delivery is usually within 3 days. If you paid for faster FedEx delivery when you purchased the course, you will receive your documents on Tuesday. If FedEx overnight delivery is not available in your area, our staff selects the next best option available.
I need my training affidavit right away. Can you help?
Yes! You can pay for even faster delivery, however, several things are needed. Exams must be passed with a minimum score of 85%, payment for faster delivery must be received and the documentation request must be correct and complete. Please call our office to verify that your request can be met because a qualified staff member must be available to sign the documents. Call Jennifer at 415-948-5220.
Finger Printing
What is the status of my fingerprint scan?
The applicant can call the FBI fingerprinting office in West Virginia for a status update at 304-625-5590. Only the applicant for the scan may call. You can request Fingerprint Cards through the California State Board of Pharmacy.
I need to get fingerprint cards. Where can I get fingerprint cards?
Order fingerprint cards online by requesting Fingerprint Cards through the California State Board of Pharmacy. Easy peasy!
Do I need this course?
I am a drug manufacturer. Do I need a Designated Representative?
Drug manufacturers no longer need a Designated Representative, provided they are under the authority of the California Department of Health – Food and Drug Branch, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
I am a distribution center at a different location than my license holder manufacturer. Am I covered under their exemption?
No, separate distribution centers need separate licenses and a Designated Representatives.
I want to be a Veterinary Retailer Designated Representative. Does this course meet the 240 hours of training required?
No, this course/these courses is/are an 8-hour courses intended for drug wholesalers, etc.
How to get 1 year of paid, lawful experience?
I have some experience, but I’m not sure if it counts. Can you help me?
The California Board of Pharmacy can help clarify your situation. Send an e-mail to Include your name, organization, phone number, and the best time to reach you or call them at (916) 518-3100 Mon-Thurs from 9am to 1pm.
I am starting a company and do not have one-year of paid lawful experience. What can I do?
The California Board of Pharmacy can help clarify your situation. Send an e-mail to Include your name, organization, phone number, and the best time to reach you or call them at (916) 518-3100 Mon-Thurs from 9am to 1pm.
I do not have the one-year of paid lawful experience. How can I get certified?
You’ll have to wait until you get the one year of experience.
Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors?
Our collaboration partner GT Consulting offers Drug Distributor Accreditation support.
Thank you for visiting our California Designated Representative FAQs webpage!
Still have questions, call Jennifer at (415) 948-5220.
Sign-up for a California Designated Representative training course now, for: Wholesalers | 3PL | Reverse Distributors