If you are applying for a California Exemptee license, you'll need to include proof of required training in your license application. Take this online course to earn a course completion certificate for your license application.
Medicare Overpaid For Wheelchair Repairs
Medicare Paid $30 Million for Accumulated Repair Costs That Exceeded the Federally Recommended Cost Limit for Wheelchairs During Their 5-Year Reasonable Useful Lifetime.
FDA Warns Wholesaler – DSCSA Violations
The FDA warns a wholesaler for DSCSA violations.
Approved – Designated Representative Training – Board Approved Programs
SkillsPlus International Inc. offers the largest selection of California Board of Pharmacy-approved training programs for California Designated Representative license applicants; and is the ONLY Board-approved provider of three distinct California Designated Representative online training classes (including one for Reverse Distributors). Each online course confers a Board-recognized training affidavit.
Self-Assessment Forms
California State Board of Pharmacy | Self-Assessment Forms. The Board has updated their Self-Assessment Forms webpage. They've removed some draft forms, and added some new "Current Adopted Self-Assessment Forms."
CMS Discontinues Use of Certificates of Medical Necessity for DME – HomeCareMag
As part of its ongoing efforts to increase access to care and to reduce unnecessary administrative burden for stakeholders, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will be discontinuing the use of Certificates of Medical Necessity (CMNs) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Information Forms (DIFs) for claims with dates of service on or after Jan. 1, 2023.